When Changing Fonts Changes Identity

What’s in a font? More than you think.

I first entered the wonderful world of fonts when designing the My Food Job Rocks website and even got to a point where I was looking into courses about fonts. Do you know the difference between Serif and Sans Serif? Sans means without, and serifs are those little columns supporting the letter. 

Fonts, like colors, convey an emotional piece when browsing through the grocery isle and it’s subtle but effective.

Today’s case study is on Chobani’s rebrand, but just the font. On the left, we have Chobani’s old brand a bold yet skinny font that conveys a simple, bright message. Though Chobani’s font seems like a subtle change, Carrie does a great job emphasizing the care and thoughtfulness of the rebrand. Now on the right, we have a font that is a bit chubbier, a bit softer and some would say comforting. But this is the opposite of what the previous rebrand was about!

Carrie says this might alienate consumers in perceiving what Chobani should be. Should Chobani be considered a quick and light snack, or an indulgent break from a  busy life? From the last post, perhaps this is the message, Chobani wants to convey.

When we look at the whole picture, specifically Chobani’s website. We see a sort of snack-like indulgence, with clear, written communication that the products are clean label. As Chobani branches out from simple, cup yogurt, perhaps the reason for the rebrand is because it could affect more SKU’s.

Good news, I found Carrie’s original texts for these files. Here’s what she had to say on this piece:

NEW PACK, OR NEW CHOBANI? Chobani’s recent, comprehensive branding redesign hasn’t been particularly successful – and it’s likely because the new brand identity doesn’t align with consumer expectations. A change in font alone can alter consumers’ relationships with a brand – the change in Chobani’s logo is a perfect case-and-point. Is Chobani intentionally attempting to realign its functional and emotional impact? Or – in a more likely scenario – is this the result of incomplete pre-launch research? What are YOUR thoughts?

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