Which One Is Not Like The Other? A Mint Comparison

Adam’s insights:

In Carrie’s episode, we talked about this piece. Here you have 8 different mint SKU’s but one isn’t like the other. Which one could it be? I chose the petites because it didn’t have a mint leaf, but Carrie actually said it was the Blue Bunny for not matching the color scheme.

Why is mint an unnatural green? There are many sources, but my favorite explanation is on reddit. As we all know, we can’t get mint ice cream’s green color by grinding up green mint leaves and inserting it in ice cream. It’s green artificially. This is why all natural mint ice cream, is white. But ice cream parlors had to differentiate chocolate chip ice cream so they colored it mint.

Yet with that differentiation, it created a branding effect. Now we will always associate mint with a pale green.

There is no sustainable natural green that can be used as a coloring agent just yet. I know, I’ve tried making a mint chip protein bar. However, food companies can still channel the visual effects of mint thanks to the wonderful world of packaging.

EDIT: I got my thoughts mixed up! It’s the opposite. The Blue Bunny one is something I thought was right. The Petites were actually the wrong package out because it’s not actually a mint flavor! Isn’t it crazy how color can really affect how you see flavor? Thank you for the correction Carrie!

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